"Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but BOLD COLORS which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people..."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Differences Between Conservatives and Liberals

Some thoughts: It seems to me liberals are extremely passionate about things they see are wrong: healthcare, climate change, defense/offense strategies, wars, etc. It's almost like they think they own the exclusive rights to championing "reform" on their pet issues. The thing is, Conservatives also agree that there are lots of problems that need to be fixed...

But libs are so busy ranting their outrage, they assume that Conservatives are just there to stop them and get in their way. It never even enters their minds, the Conservatives DO want SOME changes. They assume that Conservatives are "evil, rich, white people, racist, bigots, homophobes, etc" But I notice a couple of things. I don't know of any Conservatives that fit any of the above adjectives. I also notice how hard Conservatives try to talk about facts with liberals but when the liberals can't converse in facts, they resort to blind, wild, emotional ridicule, generalizing, and really nasty put-downs and jokes. Another problem is that there are so many "facts" and "studies" from both sides, it just becomes system overload...which is the perfect distraction...

The thing is, Conservatives are very aware of corrupt CEO's, health insurance companies, questionable reasons for going to war, and so on...I think both sides are fighting for the same things that are wrong in our society....but I think our world views are what causes so much dissent. Libs tend to see the glass half empty: "America's wrong for this, that other countries think badly of us...we're imperialists that need to put into our place." Heaven for bid if some loser country doesn't like us. People don't like Russia, Cuba (well except our Democratic Black Caucus and Michael Moore), Iran, Palestine. I don't think they are changing how they do things just to make us happy.

The liberals see whole systems, corporations, industries as evil and that one big, giant, government will solve everything and that Socialism justifies this hatred of "Wallstreet," "CEO greed," etc, . What astounds me is a blindness to the idea that systems, corporations, industries, by themselves, are like guns are things; they don't do harm by themselves, it is those corrupt individuals that run the systems that can be very disruptive.

So what I find so interesting is that big business, big insurance, big car company, doctors, lawyers are horrible, but big union, big government, big corporations "in bed" with government like GE (General Electric), big pockets
$$$, like George Soros, John Podesta, big healthcare (I think they also forget how many millions of $$$ actors make, they have private jets, gazillion houses, amazing vacations. Also, their major funders like George Soros, John Podesta, Rockefeller made their $$$ on big Wallstreet."So for a liberal, outrage depends on "who" is successful not their bogus claims on how they make the money.

Another, unexplainable outrage is this visceral hatred of FoxNews. For generations and generations the 8 or so news channels were admittedly, and unapologetic left leaning. So once again, liberals feel that they are entitled to monopolize the news industry and anything that opposes them is evil, outrageous, and needs to be annihilated. The problem really becomes a big deal when Fox's ratings triple and quadruple, the now called, "Fringe Media;" formerly known as "mainstream media." Again, it never occurs to them that it's popularity has to do with the right's disgust of bias and and daily doses of propaganda. Conservatives however, don't "hate" left media, it falls out of our line of vision, so in effect, we don't see it so we don't really care about it.

But all these big, hated by the left, things are run by "people." Some good, some bad. But power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The same lure of corruption that occurs in business is the same lure of corruption that occurs in big union, big government. The difference is that in a "free-choice" society (capitalism) we can choose to change companies, allow nasty things to fail... but with Socialism, we're stuck...if it turns out terrible... we're stuck... What liberals are blind to see is that it is corrupt individuals that run those corrupt companies. If you "nationalize" them, now you have corrupt individuals running a government business. There is nothing in the world that can show that once an individual steps across the threshold of a government-run business, or system, that they instantly gain "integrity." We only have centuries of proof that the exact opposite happens.

So of course, we are all blinded with our motes and beams...with Conservatives however, we've been very busy raising our families, working hard, giving service, donating to charities that we've never, ever, been politically active. You see, we trust people. We naively give people the benefit of the doubt and project that the people we have voted into office are like us. It seems the beltway demon possesses anyone who steps within it's realm. We became disenfranchised with the Republicans, appalled at the deceptions and back-room deals that took place last year during the primaries. And the lame-excuse for a career politician, John McCain is anything but a RINO (Republican in Name Only).

We are one step ahead of the Democrats now. We've been through power from a majority that implodes and an executive branch that only seems to advance the Center for American Progress' agenda. Has anyone reading this researched John D Rockefeller, John Podesta and George Soros and their agendas? These are the people on the other end of the blackberry. These deep pockets and million-tentacled organizations are the machines that advance the Progressive agenda.

So here it is: Liberals are Progressives. They are people who have shed the typical morality of ultimate "right and wrong," God, and virtue. They are Communists. "Progress", "movement", "adaptation," "agitation," "unrest," "unfairness," "inequality," "social justice," "advancement" are the "new morality." They have unhinged from ultimate truth. Everything to them is relative, based on the circumstances surrounding it - political correctness. I can't imagine a liberal can experience much joy. The anger at injustice; dissatisfaction with everything on the lists that haven't been resolved would create a deep bitterness... which can explain why tempers fly so easily. And most liberals I know, are in fact, very bitter, angry people. They want a complete monopoly of ideas, their arrogance makes it very hard for them to accept rebuttal. Which of course makes it impossible for anyone to want "what they have." At least, not when you have experienced the comfort and joy of seeing that "glass is half full."

On the other hand, Conservatives hold firmly that there are ultimate truths, right and wrong. These values become the lodestar around which we define the world and the actions of our brothers and sisters. Most of us find that God is our Polaris. With Him and his Word we can find confidence, security, alleviation from the injustices and corruption we see in the world. We have great confidence in the individual that when they reach their bottom, we are the first to offer and hand to lift them up. Enabling is the very thing that circumvents the reality of redemption. So for this reason, we find great happiness in life, whatever our circumstances. We are people who could have our material goodies taken away, and we would have the resolve to dust ourselves off, pick ourselves up by the boot straps, and start over.

So for Conservatives, we rally for truth, goodness. We try to do this through education, not propaganda, long-suffering and persuasion. We believe in given everyone a choice and letting losers fail. Enabling and bailing out, giving every child a trophy for "participating" so that self-esteem isn't eroded is exactly what leads to this world of "spoiled brat syndrom." The mini-tyrants that want to "change the world," exclude anyone else from deliberation, avoid anyone else's ideas. They grow up into big arrogant tyrants that want to "rule the world," based on their very narrow, echo-chamber reality.

So, for general information, Conservatives we're okay with finding joy in the present. We don't believe the Constitution is a living document. We know that for example, Founders of the Constitution, knew that slavery was a problem. The issue had to be resolved another time. So for these dire inperfections than yes, things need to be changed. But the great minds who studied empires from the beginning knew, that it had to be laid out this way. It was designed that freedom was the most important environment this new empire would have, "if we could keep it."

Progressives, which started around the turn of the century, believe the Constitution is a bil of negative rights, not positive rights. Right now they are building a "positive bill of rights," which grants everyone a home, a job, a college education." This is what is happening now with our new administration. There will become a maximum wage. You will only be allowed to make so much and the rest will be given to "spread the wealth around."

Study, study, study these thing...Our Constitution is hanging by a thread... wake up... We are repeating history. Read about Woodrow Wilson's administration.
