"Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but BOLD COLORS which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people..."

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mitt Romney: "Bob Dole Is An American Hero, Another Terrific Guy."

Rush Limbaugh is going to town talking about how this is the most manipulative spin of the McCain camp. The letter does not say he has a candidate. There was no endorsement. Dole is NOT endorsing McCain. This was confirmed on Hannity and Colmes on FoxNews. Rush: "McCain is using Clinton tactics. This has nothing to do with Dole's military record. This is about political record. Lies against Romney are even worse than Nixon campaign tactics."

LAURA INGRAHAM: "Are you upset that you lost that Dole endorsement?"  GOVERNOR ROMNEY:  "You know you like every endorsement and Bob Dole is an American hero, another terrific guy. … But you know, I don’t think if I were the McCain campaign that’s the parallel I would have wanted to draw. Just because you know he was selected as somebody who had been a long term Senator and was seen as the anointed choice.  You know the inevitable choice, the one who is next in line.  I think we’re best as a party, at least in my own view, when we bring somebody in from the outside.  If we want to change Washington, I think it's going to have to have an outsider to do it and it‘s going to take somebody who may not be the inevitable choice, but instead somebody who represents new passion, new vision, new energy, that I think we need to see in Washington."  ("Laura Ingraham Show," 2/5/08)

Scarborough On McCain Commenting About Governor Romney:

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough:  "Nice Try Senator McCain, Not Going To Work."

SCARBOROUGH:  "Well what?  No, the thing is what conservatives have been saying all along is electing John McCain in 2008 will be just like when Republicans had Bob Dole in 1996, just like when Republicans had Gerald Ford in 1976.  Now, Pat Buchanan and I – Pat's going to be here in a second – we can suggest that Bob Dole would not be the best person to deliver a letter to a conservative talk show host without disparaging his service in the United States military.  Nice try Senator McCain, not going to work."  (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 2/5/08)

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