"Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but BOLD COLORS which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people..."

Monday, October 20, 2008

Colin Powell - A Sell Out's Cheap Shot

Well, all respect for such a great man has just been flushed down the political toilet. How sad that someone that most of us have held in such high regard has become nothing more than another pawn for the secret campaign of reverse racism. Are there any outstanding influential African American figures endorsing McCain? Hmmm, I can't seem to think of any.

I realize that many Black people are so excited to see their skin color in the White House that they are willing to cut off their nose to spite their face. What just amazes me is that I SO don't think of our country in terms of Black and White that I am SO worn out having this shoved in my face. There are so many REAL problems going on in our country that this manufacturing of this issue is alarming. I am feeling silenced and as if I am living under Sharia law.

This constant manipulation to try to get me to feel guilt for something I don't do (like being a racist) is driving me crazy. Does it not mean anything to anyone that those of us, so many generations since the horrible things done to African Americans, go out of our way to show you the kindest respect we can? I can't even get on a bus without having to deal with the scowls of searing hatred, because I represent a person that "owes them something". 

I am of British descent. My relatives were snuck up on in the middle of the foggy nights by Vikings and were raped and beaten and taking as slaves or had their throats slit or skulls crushed in. Thousands were taken in slavery. What good does it do to live in this mental and emotional landscape of hatred, resentment and delusion of entitlement? We are so sorry for you! We pray for you! Our relatives were enslaved too, but we are OVER IT! People and nations make mistakes, yes, but what makes us different from the baboons is the zoo is that we have the ability to reason. We do not have to be enslaved to our emotions. We, the human race, have been given the divine ability to rise above this. Please let us.

Colin Powell's arguments against McCain were so fabricated he looked like nothing more than another African American puppet for Obama. I am not happy that McCain is the GOP nominee, I still think that Mitt Romney would be the best in our current economic situation. I am disgusted by the "politics" McCain used with his cohort Huckabee to shove Romney out. But, I am forced to let bygones be bygones.

But all that aside, McCain is on a great game with his grasp of the economy. He "sounds" as though he is clearly in touch with what America wants. If he had voted against the bailout, he would be the sure-fire future president of the United States. But we can sound out loud and clear, "we don't want SOCIALISM!"

Was the Colin Card pulled out because team Obama can't shake the Ayres monkey off their back? What about spreading Plumber Joe's wealth around and then issuing Sharia law on him by trying to crucify him in the public square? I'm tired of Acorn cheating the election. I'm tired of Obama "raising" and "spending" so much money on his campaign. My vote can not be bought.

I know that money is coming from terrorists, they even are bragging about this. There are only so many reasons to need THAT kind of money, and I believe that at that level, they are NOT wholesome. I do wonder that this Obama is our Manchurian candidate for Al Qaeda.

Why would any candidate to become our nation's president situate himself so far from our nation's heritage and founding? Step back for a moment and consider this. The only time I felt this kind of sick feeling in my stomach was when I stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon staring into the gaping chasm scarred into our earth. It is unfathomable. Our nation is now staring at two candidates, one stands just within sight of our Constitution and the other is completely out of sight.

This angry, white, female is disgusted. There are NO unifying moments Obama is sending my way. If he really thinks any of these antics would cause me to CHANGE my vote to him by this is insulting and he's got another thing coming. The anger he claims we feel is the old psychological phenomenon called "projection". This is when people have strong feelings when themselves and "project" them onto another. In a twisted contortion, the individual then convinces himself that it is the other person who maintains those strong feelings. Obama "projects" his anger onto "white males".

I will never forget the day after the OJ verdict. I went to downtown Cleveland for a class. A Black professor walked by while I sat in my nook waiting for class to start. He walked passed with the most smug glare staring down at me. I could read what the smug, icy glare meant. It was as if that day was when some of these people had finally WON. I could see that he was determined to spin the screws to anyone, including the little student sitting in her nook, minding her own business. He had been empowered. There was a satisfaction that he walked by with a pride I will never forget. It was the day I learned that a man could get away with murder.

I desire that all mankind be empowered. It is not anything that needs to be stolen, bribed or cheated. Power comes from within. It doesn't need an Oval Office, it needs values. True power radiates from within.

So what are Obama's core values? Is it to finally get even for the sins heaped upon his race? Or is it to hand our country over to our enemies because we deserve to be "punished" and "confined" to Socialism.  We may just soon find out.
